Kranthi Koovor
Born In India with more than half my life spent in muggy overcrowded but lively Mumbai I see travel through a different lens. Travel between the various cities in India was always about safety and dealing with the unknowns. My first opportunity to work for British Airways in their Passenger Revenue department opened up my eyes to a much larger world that existed. The travel bug had crept up on me.
Singapore was the first foreign country that I had seen and I remember so vividly the cleanliness and women walking in step with men and I wanted much more freedom and equality. The desire to want soon became a journey across the Atlantic and brought me to the United States. My first real experience working in the mission travel sector came thru in 2007.
Travel across 44 states over 16 years and I can say this nation has changed my perspective. I had my first child in America, and she made me realize how privileged she is just by her place of birth. I began thinking of how to help the underprivileged kids back In India to experience some of it. Life eventually presented me the opportunity to visit India every year to set up scholarship funds through our church and volunteer at the school run for children oppressed by the caste system in India. As a family, we continue to be involved with fundraising and sponsoring kids through Compassion International as well.
Canada, France, and Holland have been amazing historic yet light hearted experiences that I will cherish for a long time. Mexico and the Bahamas offer the beauty and pristine beaches with just the right hint of adventure. However, India still continues to hold the first spot in my heart and I see myself traveling there more in the future.
When I am not at my desk. I enjoy writing, gardening experimenting with Indo fusion cooking and spending time with my children and husband. Copper our dog is our latest addition and he sure completes our family