Why book with a missionary travel agency?
What good are missions and humanitarian travel agencies anyway?
Read on to discover why using a Christian missionary travel agency can save you time, money and hassle…especially compared to typical online travel sites.
At Mission Travel, we’re a missionary travel agency for a reason. First, we believe in the Great Commission call. It’s in our DNA, it’s the calling God’s put on our life as Christians. Our founder, Chris Niemeyer, and his wife started Mission Travel to serve the mission trip community by offering the little-known option of missionary airfare (or humanitarian airfare as it’s called now in PC circles by the airlines.)
Our heart is to save the mission community time, money and hassle in the travel coordination of mission trips. There are so many details that go into planning a mission trip. One of the most expensive – and often complex – details are all the travel arrangements. Would you rather do it all on your own?
Expedia published a study a few years back that found an average US traveler spending a week or more on an overseas trip would spend over 10 hours and visit 38 different websites before booking travel. What?!?
Candidly, a “complex” international mission trip is a breeze for a professional travel agent – especially a Christian missions travel agent. Our travel advisors are thoroughly well-versed in options and complexities for mission trips. What could take someone many hours to piece together and ensure no errors could take minutes and some keystrokes for a professional. Wouldn’t you rather have a missionary travel agency as your advocate before, during and after the trip? (If not, what’s your plan for calling 1-800-travelcompany, getting routed overseas and being a number, not a person when something happens?)
A Christian missionary travel agency specializes in humanitarian travel. We have full use of missionary airfare and humanitarian travel contracts – plus normal fare rates – to give you the best choices when booking travel. We’re up to date on all international travel policies and have resources to recommend for travel protection insurance, immunization, passport/visa services and so much more.
At Mission Travel, we’re here to partner with you and serve your missionary travel needs. Give our team a call, email or send a request for mission trip quotes.