How to Prevent the Fear of Coronavirus From Spreading (As of 3/11/2020) The latest strain of the coronavirus, COVID-19, has overtaken many of our news and social feeds for the last few weeks! But how many of these stories are actually true? Could it be possible these sources are spreading undue fear of the coronavirus
Missions Trip Packing List: An Essentials Guide If you’re planning a missions trip, you know there are many things to prepare for. If flying internationally and heading over to serve on your mission trip for a week or more then there are essential missions trip packing list items you’ll need. From safety, health, comfort and
Do you have a mission trip needing group airfare in 2018? Or know someone else who may? Enter to WIN free mission trip group airfare prize by booking your group and referring others to save using Between 1/1/2018 – 3/31/2018, Mission Travel is running this current promotion: Prize: (1) FREE roundtrip ticket within the
Why book with a missionary travel agency? What good are missions and humanitarian travel agencies anyway? Read on to discover why using a Christian missionary travel agency can save you time, money and hassle…especially compared to typical online travel sites. At Mission Travel, we’re a missionary travel agency for a reason. First, we believe in
Have you ever wondered the benefits and differences of mission trip airfare? Know why and when to choose missionary or humanitarian airfare over private or published airfare deals? Shouldn’t missionary airfare be much cheaper than other types available? At Mission Travel, we aim to answer these questions and more as we dive into the unique
Individual vs. Group Airfare Difference for Missions If you’ve ever wondered the difference between individual vs. group airfare deals then this post is for you. We hope it will shed light on the many benefits of both individual and group airfare and which is best for you and your upcoming trip. Many people believe there