March is a Key Month For Missionary Airfare Planning – Here’s Why With Our Missionary Travel Agency
At Mission Travel, we help plan each step of the mission trip with thousands of clients. March is historically one of the busiest months of group airfare planning – with a clear opportunity for you. Summer is peak season for mission trips and missionary travel in general. The supply and demand imbalance on summer travel can be staggering – especially if you are late to plan and purchase airfare.
Utilization Date?
A group of 10+ passengers can block an estimated number of seats up to 11 months in advance. At about 100 days prior to departure (three months or so), there is a “utilization” deadline where the airlines require a more accurate head count. So that team that thought they’d bring 30 but are now only bringing 12 puts those seats back into inventory, for you and me.
We’re now about three months from summer. Thousands of groups will be updating their head counts in the next few weeks and months for summer travel. Some may create opportunity if the airline adjusts their inventory and pricing. The next several weeks will be key planning time – are you ready? We’re here to help.
It’s smart to work with a missionary travel agency who knows the details of missions travel. Contact us for a no-obligation quote: on our website, by phone at (888) 849-8850, or by emailing We look forward to serving all of your missionary travel needs!